Thursday, March 22, 2018

Year 2, Week 20

We’re already on week 20 of year 2?? WHAT???

HACE UN AÑO.... I was in Palmas, enjoying life and feeling the Spirit of Paola and Samantha’s baptisms!! I haven’t heard anything from them, but for the record, THEY’RE IN MY PRAYERS!!

LECCIÓN DE LA SEMANA: President counciled us privately this week about "pressure" and "love" in leadership. He told us that many missionaries had called him because leaders were asking for too many reports too often.

There’s a balance here, he said. As a unified organization, we have certain duties that we must fulfill. Passing weekly results is one of them. Every individual should understand and be converted to the Lord’s established way of performing these responsibilities. BUT. As leaders, we must constantly strive to unify LOVE and "PRESSURE" in our minds and hearts so that others can feel it in the way we ask things of them. We should have their best interest in mind AND understand that their best interest will only be achieved doing the will of the Lord. We must LOVE and INVITE.

I believe that this principle is universal. It has nothing to do with a business culture or motivational strategy. It transcends all "telestial" tasks, because it has to do with our celestial potential to become as our Heavenly Father is.


We had two missionaries go home this week, and as a result of the changes, our District Leader ended up in a trio with us! It has been absolutely great to have this Park City elder with us. Elder Prior is super positive and teaches with a power that stuns investigators and leads them to repentance! 

What else...? We did a lot of divisions (because it’s super convenient with three missionaries - you just have to find one available brother to help out). We set lots of baptismal dates. I felt the Lord’s hand guiding me in the way I taught; HE helped me find several miracles while working with a few young men from the ward. I feel like the little successes were more for them - to help them be excited and ready to serve when they reach the required missionary age. One of the young men promised an investigator that he would keep coming to visit on his own time, just to keep the guy company.

That’s about it. Not a lot of NEW things, but everything we did was happy!! :D Until next week my friends!!!

Elder Carson


The Nichupte-Kohunlich squad.

Annnnnnd selfie-version! Good angles with Elder Prior´s long arms.

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